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  • Writer's pictureGordon Brennan

Travel for an angry over thinker -

Travel blog from an angry overthinker .

I’m no writer but recently started enjoying it more & it helps slow my brain down a little so here goes -

My grammar & punctuation isn’t perfect but it’s ok and I get by very well. So don't feel the need to correct me. 😂💁

Exhausted, bored or  burnt out I made the decision to take a holiday alone to rest and recover.

Why was I exhausted?

Working 2 job’s however many hours takes it‘s toll mentally & physically.

Roofing is supposed to be a limited hours ,as & when required , part of my life these days but a big full roof replacement job got me back full time like a sucker . Draining the life from me.

Running the Boxing gym is supposed to be fun and exciting but after a day on the tools the last thing I want to do is face people or train .

This all has a knock on affect of both businesses and clearly my capacity to function as a normal person .

(My energy is for another story)

4 tax returns were just due so all paperwork is stressful mixed in with the tired grumpy guy I am was a Braw way to walk around like the fucking Hulk !

I won’t even start on my personal life .

So I went to see about a holiday in the sun 🌞.

After telling them my requirements (I’m a bit of a diva ah) we found a decent holiday so I signed up .

A few days passed and they phoned me back up to say it fell through as the hotel had blocked the deal.

I emailed a few local places with my request and luckily it was matched by another provider.

So we are finally good to go!

I still needed to make the roofing job watertight and get cover for the gym but that all went pretty smoothly.

The few days leading up to my trip I was getting organised and packing my bag.

The usual stuff , shopping etc.

I’m not a great traveler so a bit anxious and feeling the pressure .

Everyone around me seems excited more than I am . Which boils my piss tae .😂😍😛

I can’t really switch off until I’m checked in at my hotel in the sun which sucks ass.

Day of the holiday.

Flight was 3.30pm so I’m leaving at 12 noon.

Hate being late or even cutting it close .

Long stay carpark booked and printed off.

Tickets collected, passport in the folder (that’s right I print everything and keep a plastic folder 🤦🏻)

Insurance printed off too .

Drove to Edinburgh and got parked easily enough.

Walked the 10mins to the airport.

Raging I had a hold-all instead of a wheeled suitcase.

Checked in , got the bag in , straight up through security and into the coffee shop as my gate won’t be announced for another hour yet.

Oh I can finally breathe and just sit here for a bit .

Zero stress - wtf have I got to stress about !

Go over everything at home , wee Rab will nip in a few times to double check anyway .

Garages locked , alarms all on , ring camera fully charged and on , windows locked , camper van down tight against the garage to stop anyone attempting to get in, camper van tracking device activated, fuck me calm down Gordon you stay in Brucefield and have fuck all worth stealing ……..

Ping my phone goes - my new holiday trainers arrived and I’m ready to walk to my gate . Haaaaaa that was 100% expected.

Had to phone my mum to go get my parcel off my step.

At least I’m going home to new gutties ah .

Walk to my gate - Gate 4 . My favourite number so I’m on to a winner here.

Seat 17c extra leg room - yasssssss !

Everything is perfect.

Flight goes pretty smoothly.

Over 5 hours as a few delays but read my book happily enough and had 2 vodkas and a lager . Nice wee spinny head on .🤪

The last hour a few young kids were getting bored and excited so started shouting and making a bit fuss.

The parents being half pished by now we’re encouraging it and raising the volume even more to get louder than their bairns .

I’m a little frustrated and cursing at them in my head, yip even the wee kids are getting it tight .

I’m 90% drained after my journey , being surrounded by people and the full build up to this shit so needing my bed and a bedtime story right now . 😅😂

Finally landing and the pilot comes into the runway like a bat out of hell . Pretty smoothly all the same but it got me alert .

Went to baggage and there was my hold-all 3rd bag on the conveyor belt. Result 😎

Head to my transfer completed lost and winging it .

See a wee jet2 woman that points me in the right direction.

Btw Jet2 we’re amazing this full journey and I don’t like travelling or people most days.

Get to my bus and have to wear a mask . They give me a Braw yellow skin tight thing to go over my coo head 🫣.

Guess what - delayed for another hour waiting on a party that didn’t even fucking travel. 🤦🏻

Sitting on the Bus in 25 degree heat hating the world.

The Jet2 rep reads out the order of hotel drop offs - I’m first and only 20 mins away . Thank the universe 🙏

An older couple about in their 70s come on the bus and struggle to get over the top step . I’m two rows behind so was ready to get up and help but the old dear made it .

Another couple in their 50s came on too.

The wife was in a hurry and moved right up the back to her husbands disapproval.

“Oi why you going away up there , I told you a hundred times we don’t need to rush away up there .”

Shaking his head and stomping up the bus .

I just smiled to myself and thought back to they young kids on the plane .

What an arsehole I was with the negative talk in my head.

Beautiful kids excited about life’s adventures and parents trying their bloody best to enjoy it and have thee best time that they deserve too .

So the moral of this wee story is be kind and considerate.

I was anxious and stressed but had my reasons Every other person also had their own reasons that deserve to be respected.

Who am I to judge ? Nae Cunt !

I hope they all have the best holiday before going back to the hustle and bustle of reality.

I’ve clearly relaxed now (I can feel the shift) and my hotel complex is pretty good so reflection is easier and being honest with myself comes naturally to this self critic striving for a better life . 🥰

Peace oot ✌🏼

Wee fat Gogsyyyy.

(relax its just a bit of fun name to myself to motivate me)

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